Air Care Alliance uses its network of volunteer pilot groups to arrange for free flights for people who need to travel for medical care, including participation in a clinical trial. Depending on your needs and eligibility, Air Care Alliance connects you directly with a volunteer pilot group.
Air Charity Network Provides air travel to treatment centers for cancer patients and their caregivers.
Allyson Whitney Foundation offers Life Interrupted Grants of $500 to $1,500 to young adults between the ages of 16 and 36 diagnosed with breast cancer who are in active treatment or who finished active treatment within the past 10 months. The grants can be used to cover medical bills, rent, utilities, insurance premiums, IVF treatments, travel expenses, integrative therapies, and more.
American Cancer Society – Road to Recovery Provides local transportation to and from cancer treatments.
Angel Flight East, Angel Flight West, Angel Flight Mid-Atlantic, Angel Flight Central, Angel Flight South Central, and Angel Flight Southeast all provide free air transportation to eligible people and their families for medical treatment.
Angel Fund - Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Duplin, Onslow, and Pender Counties — They provide financial assistance for women undergoing active treatment for breast or ovarian cancer. Assistance is available for household expenses or childcare-related expenses (rent/mortgage, car payment, utility bills, gas or grocery gift cards, daycare, or child extracurricular activities).
Angel Wheels to Healing Dedicated to providing nonemergency, long-distance ground transportation to financially disadvantaged ambulatory patients traveling for treatment.
CancerCare – Financial Assistance Program Provides limited financial assistance for transportation to and from cancer treatments.
Cancer Research & Life Foundation Grant Program - provides grants to cancer patients in the USA to help with treatment-related out-of-pocket costs for things like airfare, housing, and healthcare expenses.
Christina S. Walsh Breast Cancer Foundation - This is a small, New Jersey-based but national-reaching non-profit founded in 2004. They give financial assistance to breast cancer patients to cover treatments, medications and tests not covered by insurance, wigs, transportation to/from treatments, and other financial burdens.
Corporate Angel Network Uses empty seats on corporate airplanes to help cancer patients reach treatment centers.
Ford Warriors in Pink #MoreGoodDays, Lyft Program When your next breast cancer appointment comes around, let Ford Warriors in Pink and Lyft take care of your ride to and from treatment. Enter your email to receive a unique code for two free rides, provided by Ford Warriors in Pink. The code is good for up to $20 per ride and must be used 30 days after application. Limit one code per user. Code may take up to 2 business days to process.
Good Days travel assistance program finances travel costs for medical treatment for those who need assistance, including help with car rentals, public transport, as well as flights and lodging. Good Days also assists with paying monthly medical insurance premiums, the cost of diagnostic testing, and insurance co-pays.
Guide to Traveling for the Disabled Physical disabilities, such as mobility limitations or paralysis, can make traveling more challenging. Still, your limitations do not have to preclude you from successful and enjoyable travel. These tips and resources will help you plan for traveling and address any challenges that should arise at your destination.
Heaps of Hope assists women through this time by helping with the cost of transportation to medical appointments; helping pay for medications when women have no prescription coverage or have very high co-payments for their medication; helping pay hospital bills for uncovered treatments or tests; assisting with the cost of integrative therapies which can be helpful treating pain, nausea, insomnia, and anxiety; offering grocery gift cards.
Komen Treatment Assistance Program - Provides limited financial assistance for transportation to and from medical appointments.
Lazarex Cancer Foundation Provides financial assistance for transportation to and from cancer treatments for people enrolled in clinical trials at some medical centers.
Lifeline Pilot Provides air travel to treatment centers for cancer patients and their caregivers.
Living Beyond Breast Cancer Fund - provides a need-based, one-time grant ranging from $500 to $1,250 for those who are in active treatment for breast cancer. The grant covers non-medical and cost of living expenses such as mortgage, car payments, car insurance payments, and other utilities.
Mercy Medical Angels provides cost-effective charitable transportation for patients. This organization partners with volunteers, along with private or commercial transportation providers. To find out if you are eligible for this service.
More Moments More Memories Grant - Covers housing expenses for cancer patients who must travel for clinical trial treatment. Also includes a per-day allowance for food during travel and treatment.
People who have Medicaid may be entitled to help with travel to medical centers and doctors’ offices for cancer treatment. This may take the form of payment or being paid back (reimbursed) for gas, payment of bus fare, or using a vanpool. County departments of social services in each state arrange for help with transportation, but families must ask for it by talking to their Medicaid case worker.
Pink Ladies of Wilson – Breast Cancer Assistance - Wilson County – The program provides grants to breast cancer patients to help with basic needs, including utility bills, food, transportation expenses, and other necessities.
National Patient Travel Center 1-800-296-1217 Provides information about all forms of charitable, long-distance medical air transportation and provides referrals to all appropriate sources of help available in the national charitable medical air transportation network.
Raquel’s Wings for Life Provides air travel to treatment centers for cancer patients and their caregivers.
Remember Betty Grant Program - grants for breast cancer patients to pay for housing (mortgage/rental), medical bills, transportation (car payment/repair), and general expenses while receiving treatment.
Road to Recovery offers cancer patients transportation to and from the doctor’s office and treatment appointments. Call (800)227-2345 or click the Road to Recovery link to find a ride program in Western North Carolina near you!
Southeastern Cancer Care (SCC) - Counties and residents east of I-95 or through which the interstate runs — Beaufort, Bertie, Bladen, Brunswick, Camden, Carteret, Chowan, Columbus, Craven, Cumberland, Currituck, Dare, Duplin, Edgecombe, Gates, Halifax, Harnett, Hertford, Hyde, Greene, Johnston, Jones, Lenoir, Martin, Nash, Northampton, New Hanover, Onslow, Pamlico, Pasquatank, Pender, Perquimons, Pitt, Robeson, Sampson, Tyrrell, Washington, and Wayne Counties. The SCC provides financial assistance for basic needs, such as food, utilities, gas, and cancer-related prescription drugs, during cancer treatments. Assistance is available to those living east of I-95 or in a county within the I-95 boundaries.
Southwest Airlines Travel Grant - Free round-trip tickets to allow patients to travel for treatment at no cost.
The Gift of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation provides financial assistance to women undergoing breast cancer treatment to help cover essential living expenses. The Gift of Hope believes that women should only worry about their well-being. The foundation pays their monthly bills, such as electricity, gas, phone, and groceries.
The Pink Fund - a national nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance to breast cancer patients in active treatment. They offer help with non-medical expenses such as housing, transportation, utilities, and insurance premiums.
United Breast Cancer Foundation's Individual Grant Program - supports people who are receiving treatment for breast cancer or who have been in remission for three years or less by covering expenses such as medical procedures, prescription medicines, COBRA insurance coverage, housing expenses, utilities, transportation costs, and car insurance payments.